The Cal Poly Mustang Alumni Band
The Mustang Alumni Band is composed of alumni who participated in the band program during their time at Cal Poly. The band comes together every year at Cal Poly's Homecoming football game. Members have the option of participating in many different activities: marching down with the Mustang Band, playing in the stands during the game, performing on the field during halftime and post-game, and attending the annual meeting.
There is no formal process to join the band but we do have a mailing list for those interested. We request members RSVP every year to participate in Homecoming festivities.
Homecoming 2022
Homecoming weekend of 2022 is Sept 30 - Oct 2.
Some key dates up front:
- Sep. 1: Last day to RSVP and request to borrow an instrument
- Sep. 16: Last day to order companion tickets
- Sep. 16: LAST CALL to sign up for Gold Band
- Sep. 30 - Oct. 2: Homecoming!
This year's game starts at 5:05pm, please plan accordingly. The current schedule is an estimate, but we will get more information soon.
FRIDAY, 9/30/22
SATURDAY, 10/1/22
SUNDAY, 10/2/21
Your alumni leadership would like some help over the big weekend! If you are interested in helping set-up/tear-down after rehearsals, the lunch meeting, and/or the game, assist in passing out the alumni band t-shirts, helping with instrument loaners, or in general, please let your Co-Presidents know and we will know we can count on your help.
Parking is tight on campus now due to a reduction in student parking options. Please plan on carpooling, or finding another way to campus if you can (Uber/Lyft).
TBD pm = Alumni Band instrument & t-shirt pick-up at the music building loading dock
TBD pm = Alumni Band rehearsal (GREEN/GOLD BANDS)
TBD pm = Alumni Band dinner at Central Coast Brewing (Tentative)
TBD am = Call-time for GOLD BAND in the Music Building
TBD am = Warm-up/rehearsal OUTSIDE of the Music Building
TBD am = Move to Doerr Field (next to the track field)
TBD am = Half-time drill music and drill rehearsal with band at Doerr Field
TBD = Alumni Band lunch and meeting (free food for alumni band members)
TBD pm = Call-time for Alumni at UU Plaza
TBD pm = STAMPEDE PARADE step off - Mustang Band and Alumni Band
TBD = Pre-Game
5:05 pm = Kick-off of Homecoming Game
Halftime/Postgame = GOLD BAND
9 pm = After game dinner at Milestone (Tentative)
TBD = Firestone BBQ (Tentative)
As has been true in the past few years, the Active Band is huge, so we need numbers to make sure there is space in the stands and on the field for the Alumni Band. Please fill out the Google Form as soon as possible to RSVP.
As always, because the active band is HUGE and the alumni band budget is tight (no money to rent), we have to BORROW instruments for the Alumni Band members that do not have them. Please contact me NOW if you have any kind of ability to borrow instruments. Please be aware that we will try our best to find instruments for everyone for free, but we have NO CONTROL OVER THE QUALITY OR QUANTITY OF FREE INSTRUMENTS. If you want to be guaranteed a high quality instrument and have the funds, we are recommending that you consider renting your instrument from a local music store. If you decide to arrange to rent/borrow on your own, then please do not reach out to us for an instrument.
For Homecoming 2019, we do not yet know what the musical performance will entail. Remember that you MUST attend Saturday morning rehearsal in order to participate in half time. This section will be updated with a link to print music once it is available.
The official alumni band uniform is a short-sleeved T-Shirt (FRONT: Mustang Alumni Band, BACK: The Best Band in The History of Cal Poly Bands), nice jeans without holes or tears and closed toed shoes. If you are not wearing the correct attire you cannot participate with the alumni band. The shirt will cost $10 and will be required for any member that is playing, marching and/or sitting with the band in the stands. The T-shirt front will need to be visible while we are playing, but you can wear long-sleeved shirts underneath or jackets that can be opened completely in the front. Shirts will be available to buy at all of the rehearsals and alumni events.
Members must make a one-time purchase of the alumni band shirt which is $10 to participate. In addition, we ask for a $25 donation each year to fund the alumni band activities. Most of this cost goes towards the sponsored alumni band lunch/meeting which occurs the afternoon of Homecoming. We are able to accept cash or credit card. Due to a small fee to process credit card transactions, we will be required to charge a $1 fee if you decide to pay via credit card. The $1 credit card fee will be waived if you decide to donate additional funds to the drum major scholarship fund and/or the alumni band general fund.
The $500 yearly Drum Major Award, sponsored largely by your donations, was awarded during band banquet! Here are some reminders on the Drum Major Award:
- The alumni band voted in 2017 to increase alumni band dues by $5 a person, with the additional amount allocated directly for this award.
- We will be collecting dues ($25 total) in person at Homecoming. At this time we will also be accepting donations from those of us so inclined to give more. Any and all donations are encouraged!
If you haven't made your hotel reservation yet, please do so ASAP (hotels fill up fast). If you have a family OR are sharing a room with others, Embassy Suites is a good value.
On the less expensive side, SLO has two Motel 6 locations: South and North
The Apple Farm is close to campus and a SLO treasure, but more expensive.